A collaboration of one of the most renowned Neon light artist Jive Kowloneon 九龍霓虹 and Ready VR  to create this never seen before VR neon exhibition. 
Neon — the visual identity of Hong Kong.
《霓虹狂想曲》是香港首個VR藝術展覽,為了慶祝其全球發布,我們在香港中環荷李活道舉辦了為期兩天的VR體驗發布活動,時間是6月4日至5日。 在這個活動中,來賓們能夠透過VR頭顯完全沉浸式地體驗展覽。 無論您是藝術愛好者還是VR迷,只要您有VR頭戴裝置和電腦,都可以加入我們在開幕週末的展覽。
《霓虹狂想曲》是香港著名的新一代霓虹藝術家JIVE LAU (KOWLONEON) 和 GIM IU (Ready VR) 的合作成果,成功地將傳統霓虹工藝的美學帶入了虛擬世界。 我們的使命是復興香港充滿活力的視覺形象,以創新和有趣的方式歡迎大家加入我們的線上展覽。 無論您身在何處,只要有興趣,都可以以友好而專業的方式與我們共同探索象徵性的霓虹之城。

NEON RHAPSODY is the first VR art exhibition created based in the city of Hong Kong. To celebrate the global launch of NEON RHAPSODY. A 2-day VR experience launch event was hosted on June 4th-5th on Hollywood Road, Central Hong Kong. Guests got to get a fully immersive experience of the exhibition in VR with the VR headsets. Art lovers and VR fans from around the globe may also join the exhibition on the launching weekend with their VR headsets and computer.
As the collaboration of the renowned Hong Kong new-gen neon artists, KOWLONEON and ReadyVR, NEON RHAPSODY successfully brings the aesthetics of traditional neon craftsmanship into the virtual world. With the mission of reviving the vibrant visual image of Hong Kong, we welcome everyone to join us online and explore the symbolic neon city in an innovative and fun way.
During the 2-day exhibition launch weekend, we were thrilled to receive an overwhelmingly positive response. We had the pleasure of welcoming over 150 visitors from around the globe, along with more than 500 guests who joined us at our pop-up location.

In the virtual space, we designed four distinct areas, each serving its unique purpose within the exhibition venue. The Main Exhibition Hall showcased the magnificent collection of artworks, offering a captivating visual experience. The Press & News Room provided a dedicated space for media coverage and interviews, allowing journalists to explore and share the essence of the exhibition. The Connect Hub facilitated networking and interactions among attendees, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Lastly, the Balcony offered a virtual retreat with stunning views, allowing visitors to take a moment to relax and appreciate the immersive virtual environment.
Visitors in VR can explore and browse freely in the VR space. People can also meet and chat with other visitors from around the world.
There are four themed neon spaces created based on the neon artwork by KOWLONEON.  Players can enter the spaces for unique experiences by simply clicking on the artwork from Main Exhibition Hall.
We hosted a 2-day VR Experience Pop-up event on the launch of Neon Rhapsody weekend on Hollywood Road in Central Hong Kong. The event attracted over 500+ visitors to visit.

We were invited to exhibited our VR Experience at REVIVE TECH ASIA | Tech Exhibition & Conference, and 852Fes Hong Kong Cultural exhibition at World Expo Hong Kong which attracted over 3000+ participants from both exhibitions combined. 


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